
Scleral contact lens fitting set 1939

Scleral contact lens fitting set 1939

Scleral contact lens fitting set

Scleral contact lens fitting set is very rarely available. Ancient history of contact lens fitting is represented by this fitting set of 47 pmma polymethylmethacrylate scleral contact lenses.
Most of the lenses are hand etched with the central diopters of power and the peripheral diopters of power and the overall dioptric power.
Most are clear but 8 of them have translucent white scleral carriers with a central clear zone.
Before hard lenses were invented that could float on the cornea, these lenses were used. They could typically only be worn for a couple hours before hazy vision would result.
The hazy vision was due to inhibiting the oxygen-laden tear circulation to the corneal surface. This would result in a cloudy cornea, named “Sattler’s veil”.
Attempts were made to fenestrate the lenses (make holes in them) with limited success.
Imagine the hatred for glasses that one would have needed to have the tolerance to put these onto his/her eyes!
The lid is marked Optical Researh Inc New York N.Y.
This is labeled Trial Case No. 311
The list of pertinent patents by William Feinbloom, PhD. is listed as well.

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