
Intraocular lens assortment

Intraocular lens assortment

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Intraocular Lens Assortment

This is a large assortment of 48 intraocular lenses from the past.
The intraocular lens is the cornerstone of today’s successful cataract surgery.
Previous to the successful use of the intraocular lens, a cataract surgery patient needed to wear very thick magnifying lenses in order to be able to see.
Eventually high powered contact lenses were invented but they were not so successful given the advanced age of many cataract surgery patients.
Harold Ridley of Britain is known as the father of the intraocular lens.
The examples shown here are primarily made of PMMA (poly-methyl-methacrylate).
This material was chosen after its inertness was observed when it was seen in the injured eyes of flyers during World War II, due to shattered airplane canopies made of the same material.
Although strictly speaking these are not “antiques”, they are, in a relative sense when technological advances are so rapid.
Today we have acrylic, silicone and co-polymer intraocular lenses that can correct astigmatism and presbyopia.

Intraocular lenses are no longer limited to cataract surgery, either.
Modern intraocular lenses are part of today’s armamentarium for correcting refractive errors, as well.

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