Ocular Iontophoresis Cataphoresis Set 1908

Cataphoresis Set 1908

Dr. Wirtz, of Germany, worked on iontophoresis as early as 1908 and that seems to be about when this set is from. At that time the process was called catapheresis. The principle was that electrodes would force drugs through the outer tissues of the eye using electricity.
He passed electric current through electrolyte –saturated cotton sponges placed on the eye for the treatment of conditions such as corneal ulcers, keratitis, and episcleritis.
This set was called “Cataphoresis Electrodes of Wirtz” in 1908
Here is his article citation as found on Google: “”Wirtz R: Die iontotherapie in der augenheilkunde. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd 46:543-79, 1908″ Translated from German it means “Iontotherapy in Ophthalmology”.


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