
James W. Queen & Co Optical Catalogue 1880 – PDF COPY

Rare optical catalog copy in PDF, depicting optical devices available during the last quarter of the 19th century.

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James W. Queen & Co. Optical Catalog 1880

Mr. James W. Queen began  a small business in Optical and philosophical apparatus in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1853.
In 1859, he was joined by Mr. Samuel L. Fox. Their business steadily grew and by 1870,Mr.Queen withdrew.
Mr. Fox continued the business under the title of James W. Queen & Co.
The address was 924 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. By 1888 there were Six Departments:

  • physical and chemical
  • engineering
  • ophthalmic
  • microscopical
  • magic lantern
  • photographic


James W. Queen & Co Optical Catalogue is one of the earliest known catalogs from this famous manufacturer of optical goods in the last half of the 1800′s. There are diverse items ranging from ophthalmoscopes, microscopes, and pince nez glasses, to telescopes and microscope slides. There is also a fair amount of didactic information to assist the ordering refractionist in his endeavors.
Contains 186 pages with illustrations.
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Here are the index contents:
Accessory apparatus for microscopes ; Accidental colors ; Achromatic condensers ; Achromatic marine, field and opera glasses ; Achromatic object-glasses for microscopes ; Achromatic object–glasses for telescopes ; Achromatic spy-glasses and telescopes ; Actinism ; Adapters ; Ametrometer, Thomson’s ; Amplifiers ; Aniline colors ; Anamascopes ; Anatomy of the eye ; Animalcule cages ; Anorthoscope ; Apparatus for absorption spectra ; Apparatus to show plane and diffused reflection ; Artificial human eyes ; Asphalt ; Astigmatic diagrams, Dr. Green’s ; Astigmatic diagrams, Otto Becker’s ; Astigmatic dial ; Astigmatic letters, Dr. Pray’s ; Astigmatism ; Astronomical telescopes ; Auzoux’s model of eye ; Bacquerel’s apparatus ; Balsam, Canada ; Barometers, aneroid ; Beal’s ammonia carmine ; Becker’s diagrams ; Bell glasses ; Bell’s cement ; Black glass ; Blue-glass cap ; Blue-glass disc ; Blue-glass shade ; Blue-glass slip ; Books on the microscope ; Books on ophthalmology ; Brass table ; Brewster’s discs ; Brown’s graduating diaphragm ; Brunswick black ; Bull’s-eye condenser ; Bunsen’s apparatus ; Burkhardt’s dots ; Cabinet, mounting ; Cabinets and cases for microscopic objects ; Calc spar rhomb ; Calc spar plates ; Camera box ; Camera lucida ; Camera obscuras ; Canada balsam ; Capped bottles ; Carmine, neutral ; Cases for spectacles ; Cases of dissecting instruments ; Cataract ; Cells, glass and ebonite ; Cements for mounting ; Chains for eye-glasses ; Child’s microscope ; Circle cutter ; Clamp for te1escopes ; Claude Lorraine or landscape mirrors ; Clinical thermometers ; Coddington lenses ; Collecting boxes and bottles ; Collecting cases and satchels ; Compressors ; Compressors spring ; Condenser, bull’s-eye ; Cosmorama lenses ; Crouch’s microscopes ; Crouch’s object–glasses ; Cylindrical eye ; Cylindrical glasses ; Damar for mounting ; Dark wells and holders ; Demonstration 1enses ; Diamonds, glazier”s and writing ; Dichroiscope, Sorby’s ; Diplopia ; Dispersion of light ; Dissecting instruments, in case ; Dissecting knives ; Dissecting microscopes ; Dissecting needles ; Dissecting scissors ; Double image prism ; Double image nose-piece ; Double image refraction and polarization ; Draw tubes ; Dr. Burkhardt’s series dots, etc ; Dr. Keyser’s prosopanometer ; Dr. Thompson’s disc ; Haematoxylon staining fluid ; Dropping and dipping tubes ; Harmony of colors ; Dropping and dipping bottles ; Drying cases ; Ebonite rings ; Educational objects ; Elbow Scissors ; Engravers’ glasses ; Erecting-glass ; Erecting eye-piece ; Excelsior microscope ; Eye-glass chains ; Eye-glass guards ; Eye-glass hooks ; Eye-glasses, frameless ; Eye-glasses, gold ; Eye-glasses, rubber ; Eye-glasses, shell ; Eye-glasses, stee1 ; Eye map and diagram of ; Eye model of ; Eye protectors ; Eye-pieces for- microscopes ; Eye-pieces for telescopes ; Eyes, artificial ; Fiddian’s illuminator ; Field and marine-glasses ; Finders, Maltwood’s ; Flower microscopes ; Fluids, preservative, for mounting ; Forceps, brass ; Forceps, bull-nose ; Forceps double, platina points ; Forceps nickel-plated ; Forceps Quekett’s ; Forceps stage ; Forceps steel ; Frameless ; French object-glasses ; Frog plate ; Geissler tubes ; General remarks on spectacles ; Glass rings for ce11s ; Glass slips, plain, ground edges, concave centers. ; Glass, thin sheets, squares and circles ; Glass, watchmakers’ and engravers’ ; Glasses for spectacles ; Glaziers’ diamonds ; Glue, marine ; Glycerine ; Glycerine jelly ; Gold size ; Gold spectacles ; Goniometer, Wollaston’s ; Graphoscopes ; Growing cell ; Guards for eye-glasses ; Glycerine ; Hartnack’s objectives ; Heliostat, Silbermans’ ; Heliostat, FoucauIt’s ; Heliostat, Prof. Keith’s ; Holman’s current slides ; Holman’s life slides ; Holman’s siphon slides ; Hooks for eye-glasses ; Hygrometers ; Hypermetropia ; Illuminated fountain ; Indicator to eye-pieces ; Injecting syringe ; Insect cage, Tilghman’s ; Interference and diffraction ; Jones’s pad ; Kaleidoscope for projection ; Kaleidoscopes ; Key for tightening joints ; Keyser’s prosopanometer ; Knife, Valentine’s ; Knives, dissecting ; Knives, section-cutting ; Labels and cover’s ; Lamp, Belmontine ; Lamp, Fiddian’s ; Lamp, spirit ; Lamp, student’s ; Laryngoscopes ; Leeson’s goniometer ; Lenses, Coddington ; Lenses, condensing ; Lenses, cosmorrama ; Lenses, demonstation ; Lenses, microscope and telescope ; Lenses, reading and picture ; Linen provers ; Magic telescope ; Magnifying glasses ; Maltwood’s finder ; Map, or diagram of the eye ; Marine and field glasses ; Marine glue ; Measuring box for lenses ; Metal holder for spectroscopes ; Metric measures ; Mica plates ; Micrometer stage ; Microscope, hints on the ; Microscope lenses ; Microscope objectives, achromatic ; Microscope table ; Microscopes, boy’s ; Microscope compound ; Microscope Cronch’s ; Microscope dissecting ; Microscope flower ; Microscope Holmes ; Microscope household ; Microscope non-achromatic ; Microscope pocket ; Microscope seed ; Microscope simple ; Microscope student’s ; Microscope the child’s ; Microscope the school ; Microscope three legs ; Microscope Zentmayer’ ; Microscopic objects ; Microscopic specimen cabinets and cases ; Miller’s spectacles ; Mineral sections for polariscope ; Mirrors, Claude Lorraine ;Mirrors, conical ; Mirrors, cylindrical ; Mirrors, magnifying, multiplying’and cylindrical ; Mirrors,multiplying ; Mirrors, spherical ; Mitscherlich’s apparatus for polarization ; Mitscherlich’s tubes ; Model of the eye ; Moller’s type and test plates ; Morris’s rotating object holder ; Mounting cabinets ; Mounting stands ; Myopia ; Nachet’s trial lenses ; Nearsightedness ; Needles, dissecting ; Newton’s disc ; Nicol’s prisms ; Norbert’s test lines ; Nose glasses ; Nose-piece, centering ; Nose-piece, double ; Nose-piece, quadruple ; Nose-piece, triple ; Object-glasses for telescopes ; Object-glasses for microscopes ; Objects, microscopic ; Oil of cloves ; Opal glass slip ; Opaque disc revolver ; Opaque disc illuminator ; Opera glasses ; Ophthalmoscopes ; Optometer, Dr. Risley’s ; Optometer, simple ; Optometer, Von Graefe’s ; Parabolic illuminator ; Parabolic reflectors ; Paresis of the ciliary muscle ; Pebbles ; Perfect sight ; Perrin’s model of eye ; Phantom eye ; Phosphorescence ; Phosphorescence Geissler tubes ; Phosphorescence tubes ; Phototodrome ; Photographic camera ; Photometers ; Physicians instructions for ; Picture lenses ; Pillar and distorted pictures ; Pipettes ; Plucker tubes ; Pocket microscopes ; Polariscope for projection ; Polariscope for atmospheric polarization ; Polariscope of Arago ; Polariscope of Bahinet ; Polariscope of Savart ; Polariscope of Senarmont ; Polariscope new table ; Polariscopes ; Polarization ; Polyprisms ; Porcelain saucers . ; Porte Lumière ; Pray’s astigmatic letters ; Presbyopia ; Prescription paper and diagram ; Preservative fluids ; Prismatic glasses ; Prisms ; Prisms Abraham’s achromatic ; Prisms achromatic ; Prisms Amici ; Prisms bisulfide of carbon ; Prisms conical ; Prisms convex ; Prisms doubled image ; Prisms equilateral ; Prisms flint glass ; Prisms Foucault’s ; Prisms Hoffmann’s ; Prisms Nachet’s ; Prisms Nicol’s ; Prisms right-angle ; Prisms stereoscopic ; Prisms Woodward’s ; Projection microscope ; Projection spectroscope ; Protectors for the eye, wire gauze ; Punches ; Quartz plates ; Queen’s collecting cases and satchels ; Queen’s microscopes ; Queen’s microscopic objectives ; Queen’s shellac cement ; Radiometer ; Rainey’s moderator ; Reading and picture lenses ; Reflection of light ; Reflex illuminator ; Refraction apparatus ; Refraction of light ; Rings, ebonite ; Rings glass ; Rings tin ; Rochon telescope ; Rotator for Geissler’s tubes ; Saccharometer ; School microscopes ; Scissors, dissecting ; Section cutters ; Seed. microscopes ; Selecting spectacles ; Selenite films ; Selenite lens ; Selenite plates ; Selenite, .Darker’s ; Selenite designs ; Selenite slips ; Selenite stage ; Shades, silk ; Sight, perfect ; Silvered side reflector ; Slips, glass ; Slips wooden ; Spark condenser for spectroscope ; Spectacle cases ; Spectacle glasses ; Spectacles, Coquille ; Spectacles, frameless ; Spectacles, gold ; Spectacles, hand and nose ; Spectacles, invisible ; Spectacles, millers’ and turners’ ; Spectacles, pulpit ; Spectacles, silver ; Spectacles, steel ; Spectacles, with divided glasses ; Spectroscope, Sorby’s ; Spectroscopes ; Spectrum analysis ; Spectrum scales, Sorby’s ; Spencer’s object-glasses ; Spirit lamp ; Spot lens ; Spring compressors ; Spring scissors ; Spy-glasses, marine, tourists’ and rifle ; Spy-glass clamps ; Spy-glass stands ; Stage forceps ; Stage micrometer ; Stage mineral holder ; Stand for prisms ; Stand for prisms ; Stand tripod for telescopes ; Steel forceps ; Stenopaic slit ; Stereoscopes ; Stereoscopes cabinet ; Stereoscopic pictures ; Strabismometer ; Students’ lamp ; Students’ microscopes ; Sub-stage illuminator ; Sun-glasses ; Syringe for injecting ; Table, revolving ; Telescopes, astronomical ; Test.figures, Snellen ; Test letters, Snellen ; Test tubes ; Test types, Jaeger’s ; Thaumatrope ; Thermometers, clinical ; Thin glass circles ; Thin glass squares ; Three-legged microscopes ; Tin rings ; Tomson’s Ametrometer ; Tomson’s discs ; Tourmalines ; Transformation of vibrations ; Trial glasses ; Trial sights ; Trial spectacle frames ; Turn-tables ; Urinometers ; Valentine’s knife ; Vertical circle ; Watch-glasses ; Watchmakers’ glasses ; Wenham’s reflex illuminator ; Wenham’s paraboloid ; White-cloud illuminator ; Wire gauze eye protectors ; Wright’s collecting bottles ; Writing diamonds ; Zentmayer’s microscopes ; Zinc cement ; Zoetrope, or wheel of life ; Zoetrope, pictures for ; Zoophyte trougheen and Co.

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