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Horn rim pince-nez eye glasses 1875 100 diopter


Availability: In stock

SKU: s 4913s1 Categories: , ,

Horn rim pince-nez

This is a very good looking horn rim pince nez in a variegated translucent brown color. It has steel spring and cork nose pads. It is unsold stock from 1875. There is a hallmark with a diamond shape with an “x” shape inside of it. It is also signed “PAT AUG 75”  and “42”. The 42 is the focal length of the biconvex lenses in inches. This converts to about +1.00 diopter readers in today’s system. This is the power that a typical forty year old person might use to help with reading and near vision. There is some mild oxidation of the steel because of the age.
These are unsold stock from about 140 years ago.

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