
Round lens black xylonite readers spectacles

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Round lens black xylonite readers spectacles 1927

Round lens black xylonite readers spectacles are made of “xylonite”. Xylonite was an early name for what became known as celluloid. Basically it is an early black plastic.
The lenses are glass and have about +2.50 diopters of power in each. This is the typical power that a sixty year old or more person would use to read with.
This is also a good power for a younger person who is a hobbyist to use for sustained close work (like a magnifying glass)

According to one source, these glasses were made by “B & L” (Bausch & Lomb) in 1927 (see photo).

The unusual temple pieces are referred to as “skull-shaped”.

Some people refer to this shape and style as Harold Lloyd or Harry Potter glasses.

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