Keeler Surgical Loupes 1955


Keeler Surgical Loupes 1955

Keeler Surgical Loupes were the magnification method used to do ophthalmic surgery in the 1950s and even the 1960s. Eventually the operating microscope replaced surgical loupes for most ophthalmic surgery.
This pair has the original owner’s name on  the case. (Sanders A. Goodman, M.D. of Sherman Oaks, California. Searching on google shows that he would have been born around 1914.)
These are telescopic loupes were used to perform delicate eye surgery. From the appearance of the frame style, they are probably from the 1950’s. They have a focal point of about 14 inches (33 cm). The PD (pupil distance)is fixed at 54 mm. This would be ideal for someone  with a narrow PD of around 57 mm. The spectacle lenses have about 1 diopter of plus power for more comfortable near viewing.

The optics seem to be in perfect condition. The frame is also in very good condition.


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